Let’s assume the worshipper arrives at church and is ready to offer worship to God and, let’s further assume that the majority of the church has come with this attitude. It would be chaos if individuals just got up and did what they wanted when they wanted. Such a scenario would be of no benefit to anyone. God is a God of beauty and order and whatever we offer Him must be the best and of the highest order. Therefore, the facilitator must provide some structure, a framework, a template, to enable the worship service to proceed smoothly and in a Spirit-filled way.
It’s not unreasonable to say that a worship facilitator (someone who is neutral and permits others to express themselves) must be a worshipper. He, or she, must be aware of all the elements of the worship experience – singing, prayers, testimonies (by children and adults), words of encouragement, and offerings. These are all essential elements in the worship service but, they should not become a ‘order of worship’ and therefore a liturgical routine. How they pan out each week is dependent on the Holy Spirit and the experience of the worshippers. A sermon isn’t an act of worship in itself but it can be delivered across the service instead of a block of time.
As the worship facilitator, you will work with others to set the scene for worship – leading the worshippers into the presence of the Lord. This includes working with the musicians to select songs that allow the worshipper to identify themselves in the lyrics. Before singing, highlight certain words, or lines, and make the connection with the worshippers. In that way they will give greater expression to the song. Other functions include:
If their minds are occupied their worship will be in vain. At the moment, many will have things that are weighing heavy on their mind and their heart – they need to know that Jesus has the answer and is willing to fight on their behalf; emphasise that worrying, “only makes them sick”. When the mind is free and ‘transformed’, we can hear God’s voice and give Him the highest praise.
What has the Lord done for you in the past week? Keep in mind that people are accustomed to being fed so, share your testimony first, if no one immediately come forward. It should always be shared at some point in the service.
As a student of the Scriptures you will accumulate examples of how the Lord; delivers, fights, rescues, protects, heals, and comforts others and, you should use these Biblical gems throughout the service. Whilst testimonies are being shared, you should give your full attention to the worshipper; allow the Spirit to give you the concluding words, the best song, or Scripture, to compliment what has been said, or to take the lead from the music director or song leader.
The Spirit will point out trends in the testimonies – where you hear two or three saying the same things or facing the same issues, bring them and others together for prayer. This has healing properties and creates a bond between the worshippers.